Enterprise Message Hub
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Enterprise Message Hub Overview
The below portion will provide a more detailed explanation of each section’s functionality within Enterprise Message Hub and some of the best practices surrounding each section.
Inboxes Overview
Your inboxes appear on the left side of your screen and are the first thing you should see when you navigate to Enterprise Message Hub from anywhere in the platform. There are 5 possible inboxes you could be working in. The Inbox section’s main purpose is to provide you with visibility into which conversations need to be actioned and which are being handled by yourself or another user. By clicking into each inbox, you are able to see the conversations that are occurring or have occurred. Here you also have the ability to search, action, filter, or start a new conversation.
Conversation View and Response Box Overview
Depending on your screen’s view, this section makes up the right or middle section of your screen.
In this section of Enterprise Message Hub, you can respond to conversations and review basic contact information of the contact you are texting with. You also have the ability to review more in depth information on that contact by clicking the View Profile button in the top right of this section, then click View Contact Details and lastly click Edit Contact.
View Profile and Actions Overview
This section is hidden by default. The buttons are always visible, but you have to click on them to expand the section.
In this section of Enterprise Message Hub, you can find more detailed information on the contact you are texting with as well as some historical information on them. You can also navigate to that contact’s editable profile within Voxie from this view by clicking the View Profile button in the top right of this section, then click View Contact Details and lastly click Edit Contact.
There are several elements on each inbox that serve the same purpose no matter which inbox you are in.
Search Bar: You can search for conversations in this inbox using their name or parts of their name and phone number.
Actions Button: This is grayed out until you select one or more conversations. The Actions button allows you to assign the selected conversation(s) to yourself or another user, unassign the selected conversation(s) from yourself or another user (only if you have Administrator access), mark the selected conversation(s) as unread, or close the selected conversation(s). You can select one or more conversations by clicking the checkbox beside the conversation. You can select all conversations by selecting the box in the header (circled above).
Filter Button: By selecting the Filter button, you can filter messages in the inbox you are viewing by Campaign, Segment, Tag, or Date range. To remove those filters, all you have to do is hit the reset button.
+ Conversation Button: Use this button to start a new conversation with someone. Once you click this button, you can search for an existing contact OR start a conversation with a new contact that does not yet exist in your account by using the Phone Number section. Next, you can add in the body of your message by typing what you want to say or using a template. Don’t forget to add in emojis using the built in emoji keyboard. You also have the option to upload an image or GIF, as well as take advantage of Scheduled Send. For image guidelines and specifications, please click here.
Respond to Next: This button allows you to quickly respond to the next conversation in the unassigned inbox. This button is helpful to quickly go through and respond to unassigned messages that require a response.
Sort Options: You can always sort on Contact, Owner (only in Me or All Inboxes), or Time. Sorting by Contact sorts the conversations in ascending or descending alphabetical order. Sorting by Owner, groups the conversations by who they are assigned to. Sorting by Time sorts the conversations in ascending or descending order by the time the message came in.
The Unassigned inbox is the default inbox that will be opened when you log into Voxie and navigate to Enterprise Message Hub. The Unassigned inbox provides you with all of the conversations that are active, open, and need to be assigned and responded to. If you want to respond to a message while a conversation is in the Unassigned inbox, you have two options: Close With Template or Respond. Close With Template will respond to the message with a pre-made template and send the conversation to the Closed inbox. Respond will move the conversation to the Me inbox and let you type a response.
From the Unassigned inbox, you can also mass action, mass assign, filter, start new conversations, or respond to a currently unassigned conversation, but not type a manual response before assigning the conversation. Note that any conversations that are in progress that have not been closed out will not appear in this inbox.
The Open inbox is designed to show all open and active conversations regardless of who they are assigned to. You will see unassigned messages, messages assigned to you, and messages assigned to other users. You are only able to respond to messages that are assigned to you in this inbox, but you can still view other conversations.
The Me inbox is designed to show all of the active and open conversations that are assigned to you. You can respond to messages in this inbox. It is also a good way to keep track of conversations you are in the middle of or need to respond to.
The Closed inbox shows all conversations regardless of who they were assigned to that have been closed. It is best practice to close a conversation once you have finished it. If the contact responds to a message in a conversation after you have closed it, it will appear back in the Unassigned inbox and you can reassign it to yourself. You can reopen and reassign a conversation in this inbox by selecting it or multiple conversations, selecting the Actions button, and selecting open. They will appear in the Unassigned inbox and you can then assign them to yourself. Conversations that have been responded to automatically using the Voxie platform will go straight to the Closed inbox.
The All inbox is synonymous with everything. It houses all conversations, regardless of if they are unassigned and opened or closed and completed. This is the best inbox to use any filtering and searching for specific conversations since you can see open and closed conversations in this inbox. You can reopen and reassign a conversation in this inbox by selecting it or multiple conversations, selecting the Actions button, and selecting open. They will appear in the Unassigned inbox and you can then assign them to yourself.
Conversation View and Response Box
Once you are ready to respond to a particular message, you will select that message on the left side of the screen. After you do that, the conversation view and response box will appear in order to allow you to respond.
Customer Information
Appearing in the top left corner of this section, you will see the information about the person you are texting with. If provided, you will see their name, phone number and email address. If one or multiple pieces of information are missing, they will not appear. You can always update a contact’s information if it becomes available to you at a later time (see below section for details on how to update a contact).
Conversation History
Just like when scrolling through your phone’s message history, you can scroll through and see the conversation history you or another user have had with the contact whose conversation you are viewing. Their messages will appear on the left and messages sent through Voxie will appear on the right. Under the messages sent through Voxie on the right, you can see the type of outbound message.
Responding to a Message
Once you are ready to respond to a message, you have two options; close with a template or respond.
If you have created templates and have one that you would like to use, you can fast track the responding process and select the close with a template button. It will allow you to search for, create a new template, or select a template to send. When you click the template you’d like to use, the message will be sent immediately and the conversation will close. To learn more about templates, check out this article. If you are not using a template, you can select the respond button.
After clicking the respond button, a box will appear for you to construct you response. Please read the numbered list below the screenshot for a description of each element available to you when constructing a response.
Templates: Even if you choose not to use a template to close the message right away, you can access your templates by clicking this button. If you click a template from the list, it will populate the templated message in the response builder for you to edit. To send the message, click send, or use Scheduled Send.
Variables: You can include information in your text message dynamically by inserting a message variable. These variables pull from dynamic fields that you have available on the contact you are texting or the Voxie team you are logged into.
Emojis: You can insert emojis by clicking this button. Note that emojis change message encoding from GSM to USC2 and may use more segments.
Undo: This button empties the text you have entered into the response builder.
Attachments: You can add and image or GIF to your message by attaching them using this button. For image guidelines and specifications, please click here.
Response builder: Enter your message here. After crafting your message, you can use the keys ctrl+return (or, on a Mac, command+return) to send your message, or click the Send button.
Scheduled Send: Please read more about Voxie's Scheduled Send feature here.
Starting a New Conversation
To start a New Conversation, click the New Conversation button. This will open the New Conversation Form. In the Phone Number field, you can select or paste up to 20 contacts to send your message to. Each contact will receive the message as if it came to them only. There is no distribution list or any way for the contact to see that others were included. When the contact replies, it goes to their conversation only. Contacts will not see other contacts' replies.
In this example, 4 contacts are searched and selected. In the example right after, three numbers are pasted from an external system and Voxie edits them and lets you know if there are incorrectly formatted phone numbers:
View Profile and Actions
View Profile
The View Profile button is an optional button you can select to show you more detailed information about the contact whose conversation you selected.
Once selected, it will expand on the right hand side of your screen, providing you a scrollable view. Sticky Phone Number is the Voxie number that the contact is texted from. If the email address is available for that contact, it will appear underneath Sticky Phone Number. The Date Added is the date that contact was added to your account. You will also find the status of that contact. Most of your contacts will say Active. From time to time, you will see Paused or Unsubscribed. You can learn more about statuses in this article.
You also have the ability to click the View Contact Details button for additional details on the contact. If you click that button, that will take you to the editable section of that contact. For more information, check out our article on Contacts.
By selecting the Actions button, you will be able to select one of four choices.
Assign To: If you have multiple users in your account and want one of them to take over the conversation, you can select this option where you will be prompted to select the user you want to assign the conversation to.
Mark as Unread: You can use this to make the conversation unread. This is helpful if you want to remind yourself to review this conversation at a later time.
Unsubscribe: If you want to manually unsubscribe that contact from receiving your marketing blasts, you can unsubscribe them. Note: This is a permanent action, so be very careful if you want to select this option.
Close: Once you are finished with your conversation with that contact, it is best practice to close the conversation. It will move out of your Me and open inboxes and into the closed inbox. If that customer texts back again, it will appear back in the unassigned inbox.