Custom Flows
- Updated
Custom Flows Feature can be defined as an Use Case Wrapper for those contact flows that escape the pre-built Playbooks Templates.
Voxie is extremely powerful and flexible, but difficult to maintain since the same characteristics that make it flexible, produce lots of configurations scattered without any reference of the goal they want to accomplish, Custom Playbooks are metadata associated to each component, that allows the user to understand all the components or artifacts that makes up a Use Case Flow.
New Custom Flows
In order to assemble a new Custom Flow, you need to access Automations > Flows and click New Flows, the following screen will appear, instead of picking Playbooks, please select Flows and click on Next.
Custom Flow Configuration
All flows have a common number of steps that need input in order to launch them
Metadata fields that help you identify the use case behind the assembled flow
- Name: Name of the Custom Flow your are about to create or assemble
- Description: Long Input text, for internal context collection
Enables you to start assembling your flow either, from existing Voxie resources or artifacts, such as Campaigns, Segments or Event-Based Rules (AKA Automations), or Creating your own from this single experience.
As you can appreciate, this page shows your the ability to create Steps or Sections, that will let you sort your Flow in a more comprehensibly way. By clicking in “New Section” you can add up to 10 Steps.
Within each Step you can Search for Existing Resources or add New
Existing: when Clicked, you’ll be prompted with the Add resources screen where you can search for your desired components
- Segments
- Campaigns
- Event-Based Rules (AKA Automations)
⚠️ Each Resource can ONLY belong to a single Flow, so if a resource is being used for 2 different Use Cases, you need to duplicate it and assign it accordantly.
- ⚠️ There is a hard limit of 50 resources within a custom flow and cross-flow referencing is not allowed.
🪝 Whenever you pick an Existing Resource, Voxie will notice it is linked to other Resources and will bring them as part of the flow
New: when clicked, you’ll be prompted to pick the desired resource kind you need to add and redirect you to the creation of the given resource, once created you’ll be asked if you want to to go back to Flows configuration
Manage your Resources within your Custom Flow
From this Resource list view you can perform very high level actions:
- Resume/Pause Actions: Voxie allows to act rapidly on given resources to Pause or Resume Actions, available in:
- Campaigns
- Event-Based Rules (AKA Automations)
- Remove form this Flow: you can remove this component for the flow entirely
- Edit: when clicked you’ll be redirected to the Resource Edit Screen, and notify this component belongs to a given Flow
Manage your Custom Flow
Once you either created or brought your resources, you can move them Step to Step by dragging and dropping the components whenever you need to.
⚠️ From the Flows list, you can Delete the whole flow and the resources included in it will be deleted as well |