Contact Exports

  • Updated

What are Exports?

The Export feature is an easy way to download your contacts at one time from your Voxie team.

  • Important Note: Voxie system will download the files in chunks of 100,000 contacts and will provide links to the different files required to perform your task .

Preparing an Export

Exports are available in Contacts > Exports and you’ll be presented with the following screen

As you can appreciate this is divided in 2 main sections:

Included Data

It informs the default fields that are going to be contained in your export file

  • id
  • first_name
  • last_name
  • email
  • phone
  • date_added
  • tags
    • Comma Separated array [tag1,tag2,tag3]
  • marketing_subscription_status
    • “No Preference”, "Opted in" or "Opted Out" are the possible values
  • transactional_subscription_status
    • “No Preference”, "Opted in" or "Opted Out" are the possible values

Custom Attributes

This section allows you to add Custom attributes you desire to include in your contacts, you are able to add up to 20 Custom Attributes per Download.

If you happen to have an usual repeatable download, you are able to set the default behavior in Settings > Contact Exports and those will be available in your Export screen

Expected File Format

You’ll receive an Email with the Links of your download files, the default file would look like:

id first_name last_name email phone date_added tags marketing_subscription_status transactional_subscription_status
915383 John Smith +15552223333 2022-01-28T18:14:09Z   Opted In Opted In
915796 First Sanders   +15552223334 2022-02-04T16:13:50Z first_wave,cloning1,sandboxtest No Preference Opted In
915797 Second Sanders   +15552223335 2022-02-04T16:15:40Z first_wave,sandboxlive,sandboxtest No Preference Opted In

📁 Voxie Tip: Remember you’ll get as many file Links as needed to cover your total amount of contacts, in chunks of 100,000 Contacts per File